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Passion fruit Project

It is in the realization of this “unlimited capability” that God has given to everything in Nature that God wants to nurture and develop.

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Constant Divine Indwelling

A Lord’s Leaven Missionary lives only for God and lives always in constant awareness and adoration of the presence of the Triune God within the Sanctuary of the soul.

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Passion fruit Project


Lord’s Leaven Mission deals with temporality not in the mere material or temporal benefits that creation offers, but rather to listen to the intention of God why He has given to us all these things of earth. We deal with temporal material creation in obedience to the intention of God when He created all things in the universe. He gave this mandate to mankind to be the steward of Creation.

PASSIONFRUIT “an aromatic fruit that can flavor a drink that can quench the thirst of God’s love in your soul”


Project Kombucha

– flavored with God’s love

My Love for passionfruit constantly leads me the way to my spiritual journey. . .

—Sis. Praxedes “Babie” Embalzado

The Passion Fruit Program of the Lord’s Leaven Mission Society is not merely putting a “project” limited only within a little village, like Calidngan, but rather to begin and continue on through this program to reach out to all men until the end of time to share with them the meaning of life, suffering and joy in this world in preparation for the world that is, has come and is to come, “yesterday, today and forever;” that is to bring the fruition of the total boundless love of God through the limited capability of man.

This means there is no end to the Passion Fruit Program, a model that Lord’s Leaven starts to do as a sample of the development of everything that God has made. Thus, if mankind would only follow God’s mandate, there would be man poor, no man selfish, no man lonely, for his suffering will no longer be a suffering of lack or want, but rather a suffering of love to embrace the whole of humanity until the end of time through this program, beginning with oneself to one’s Cenacle Team unto all cenacle team everywhere.

The symbol and reality of this total love is what Our Lord Jesus underwent in His passion, death and resurrection. He undertook all of humanity’s pain and sins since the beginning until the end of time against His boundless eternal love and obedience to the Will of the Father.

It is in the realization of this “unlimited capability” that God has given to everything in Nature that God wants man to nurture and develop; and for every Lord’s Leaven to “develop, multiply and to fill the earth with” starting with “Passion Fruit.”

“God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that move upon the earth.” (Gen 1:28)

This passage in the Bible is the first command of God to man after God created everything and man. It is what we call the basic Genesis mandate. This is God’s universal mandate not intended for the increase of human population alone but the increase of all the things that God has made.

“Be fruitful…” God has mandated man that everything in creation must be managed by man into fruition. But if man does not follow this Natural Law of “bearing fruit in the things of God’s creation” then he suffers the consequence of poverty, and want.

“… and multiply.” This is applicable not only to the increase of human population, but also to the increase of all things that God has made for the glory of God and the benefit of all mankind, not just of a few.

The problem of humanity is the lack of understanding of God’s purpose for all of creation; and the lack of obedience to this mandate that has caused the imbalance of man and nature. But as it is happening because of pride and greed man has developed everything in creation mainly for himself and his ambition and pride, without much consideration of the purpose of God that all of creation must be shared to all.

“… fill the earth…” The fear of population explosion is a mirage being manipulated by those who have the money to control people. For all the ages gone one can see that until now the earth is “not filled” to overflowing. The more children a family has the more the blessings each one will make because there would be more farmhands to till the soil and more minds that can be trained to manage the many things that can be made from a thing in creation.

‘… subdue it…”

“… have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that move upon the earth.”

Passion here is taken in two elements, both negative and positive.

Negative aspect of “Passion”

Passion comes from Latin “pati, patior, pasus” meaning to suffer. Passion in the negative light means the passion of sufferings, the conflicts, the pains, the feeling of want, the unsatiable search for what they think they do not have and the struggles that people undergo in life.

This suffering is a fact of contradiction of our true nature made in the image and likeness of God, designed by God to be already “full of grace” (Ephesians 1:3-4) against what man in freedom makes for oneself from one’s own time and space limitation.

The result of this conflict creates pain of contradiction. This feeling of contradiction is felt by one whose eternal unlimited design and divine purpose is pitted against the limitation of space and time. One always feels one is looking for something one does not have or whatever seems to be lacking. This was why Jesus came on earth to be a “child of contradiction” as expressed by the prophet Simeon at the Temple of Jerusalem in order to show us the way out of contradiction.

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily laden. I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:2)

Positive aspect of “Passion”

The positive aspect of “passion” is the passion of love, a love without compulsion, a love that is free, not in the “free love” sense of a sensual world limited by sin and lust, but a love that is without any condition from the truth of what man really is from God’s design and intention of creation, for man to be like Him, a love that goes beyond the bounds of the unlimited universe, a love that integrates itself in all things that God has made, a love that comes from the nature of God Himself, uncreated, beyond-universal, eternal love that reaches out and identifies itself in everything that God has made.

God works in mysterious ways, the vine of my passion fruit plants slowly crawling towards my house – – – my passion close to my heart …


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