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Passion fruit Project

It is in the realization of this “unlimited capability” that God has given to everything in Nature that God wants to nurture and develop.

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Constant Divine Indwelling

A Lord’s Leaven Missionary lives only for God and lives always in constant awareness and adoration of the presence of the Triune God within the Sanctuary of the soul.

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To be with Christ is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


– Sis. Praxedes (Babie) Embalzado

“The world will make you suffer. But be brave; for I have already conquered the world. you will have peace by being united to me.” (Jn 16:33)

This is the most wonderful promise of our beloved redeemer, our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Yes, it is a part of my life here in this world to suffer, because I cannot understand and I cannot feel what Jesus felt when I cannot experience it also. Partaking God’s suffering into my life is a GRACE, because I become more united with Him always and able me to claim what He said “Come to me all of you who are heavily laden, and I will give you rest”. Surrendering and constant connection with our Lord deep in my heart, thru DIVINE INDWELLING, make me always restful with the blessed Trinity dwelling in my heart starting the day of my baptism.


PRAYER: Thank you so much my Lord Jesus for this promise, Yes I will…I should be brave now because you are already conquered the world. I keep this promise in my heart. But still, I ask you graces for me, to conquer my world too…I know it is not easy my Lord, but through your grace I greatly believe that I can. My only strong weapon to conquer this all, is your LOVE for me. I hope and I pray that I always treasure that in my heart and mind that you love me with all your heart because I am your prodigal child. I know that you embrace me with a big hand as I come back to your HOME here in my heart. Thank you so much for the PEACE that you have given, may this peace reign always in my heart as I continue this journey in my mission field. Thank you also for giving me my son Nathan, and manifesting to him your presence in his heart, as a child, I vividly see and feel You in him. Thank you so much Lord for always loving me for who I am. Amen.

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